[infographic] How Content Fuels the B2B Technology Buying Cycle
BY Kaitlin Loyal
November 29, 2017

B2B technology buyers are thirsting for knowledge. Their jobs change incredibly fast, and it’s vitally important that they keep pace with the latest innovations so that they keep their companies on the cutting edge and help them to run securely and efficiently.

However, finding reliable, believable information isn’t necessarily easy.

And that’s the opportunity for B2B technology companies. Research shows us that CTOs and CIOs are rabid consumers of technology content marketing—whitepapers, eBooks, blog posts, etc. They’re looking for thought-provoking information that isn’t too salesy. Companies that deliver will be able to build a trust-based relationship with their customers and prospects, the type of relationship that lead to shorter sales cycles and more sales.

To demonstrate the need for high-quality, thought leadership-oriented content, we’ve created this infographic that details the need to develop and deliver content to the tech market.

(Feel free to share this with colleagues!)

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