How to Get the Most Out of Scribewise
BY Kaitlin Loyal
February 25, 2020

The Scribewise team loves digging in to a new business and getting to know what they’re all about so that we can help you tell your story to the world.

We like to think we’re pretty easy to work with. But naturally, some of our client relationships are more productive than others. To help you help us to help you, we’ve put together this guide on how best to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth from us.

Let’s keep a good pace

As the great Ferris Bueller once said, “life moves pretty fast.” As you likely know, so does marketing. We don’t want to be going so hell-bent-for-leather fast that we’re not stopping and thinking every now and then, but we do need to work to meet the pace of the outside market. In other words, your customers are moving fast; if we’re not at least keeping the same pace, we’re falling behind.

We take it upon ourselves to work quickly and efficiently. When content needs to be created or some other action needs to be taken, we do our best to keep things on track. However, that also means our collective success needs your timely input as well. In fact, that’s a big point, so let’s make it its own section.

Speaking of pace, we know that sometimes needs arise quickly, or what was planned no longer makes sense. At Scribewise, we pride ourselves on moving quickly and being flexible. So, if newsjacking a current event to tell your story or changing gears to work on a quick-turnaround project makes sense, we’re happy to help. But we also appreciate taking a step back occasionally to think big picture.

We need your input

One of the things our clients hire us to do is to extract the knowledge out of their subject matter experts’ brains, and turn it into consumable, media-worthy content. This makes tons of sense; those SMEs simply don’t have the time to be able to pour their brains out into a Google doc, so one of the things we’re providing you with is a timesaver. And we will do that; we’re very aware of your need to focus on other projects.

Depending on the type of work we’re doing together, we might request a short meeting or a couple bullet points. We can handle the other research and turn your expertise into a strong blog post, article or LinkedIn post. But we do need your thinking, and just a bit of your time to truly make a positive impact.

More is better

When we first get to know a client and its industry (if it’s a new one for us) during the kickoff phase, we’ll ask tons of questions. But they won’t stop there. By learning about your business and the nuances of how it fits into the larger industry, we can start to figure out how to educate your audience about it. We won’t stop learning (because we like to and it’s part of our jobs!) and we welcome you and other subject matter experts to give us as much information as possible. Too much information isn’t a problem at Scribewise. We know that having information about what you’re selling and the problems your prospects face could lead us to a nugget of information that will make your story stand out.

Let us handle it

We’re pretty detail-oriented at Scribewise. Everything we write goes through two review rounds before it hits your inbox. But at the same time, we also value keeping pace and just moving. For most client engagements, we’re creating a lot of content, and we’re always eager to get started with distributing it.

We welcome feedback—but it’s probably most efficient if we stick to the words and you stick to critiquing the overall message. Tell us what’s missing, and we’ll handle the wordsmithing.

Let’s establish an approvals process that works (and helps us keep up the pace)

Sometimes, the CEO needs to review a piece of content. Odds are, she doesn’t need to every time. Approving the average blog post should be a pretty quick, one- or two-step process. It should not take two weeks.

So, before we get started, let’s establish what that approval process is going to be. These are the questions we need to answer together to make sure we’re keeping up with the market and delivering timely content to your prospects and customers:

  • Who needs to see what?
  • When should more sensitive content be elevated to another level?
  • Can we set time limits on how long someone gets to review something before it’s accepted?

We’re good at ensuring SMEs and other leaders provide timely approval so we can keep our pace up, but establishing ground rules always helps.

We don’t always need to be “on the clock”

At our core, we’re marketing nerds. We love this stuff, and we understand how closely connected content is to all of your other marketing efforts (and even your business needs). We’re generous collaborators, always willing to share ideas, discuss emerging trends or help you solve that knotty business problem.

So, if you ever feel like you need another set of eyes on your graphic design, or social media, or SEO or website development or whatever, don’t hesitate to bring it up. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll say so. If we know someone who can help with this specific problem, we’ll gladly make an introduction. Our purpose is to help you to succeed, and we don’t always need to be “on the clock” to do that.

Let’s keep the lines of communication open

One way to improve any relationship is to communicate clearly and openly. One way we do this with our clients is ask that the whole Scribewise client team is included on every email. We want to move quickly, and the best way is to alert all of us with one message (don’t worry about our inboxes!).

We’ll establish weekly calls with you and your colleagues so we can review progress and discuss any new marketing needs. Internally, we also hold bi-weekly strategy meetings to take a step back and assess what’s working and what’s not. This gut check forces us to pull ourselves out of the weeds and think about larger marketing and business initiatives.

Then, about once a quarter, we love to meet in person to talk strategy. This is a great time to review what we’ve accomplished and make any changes to help you meet your goals.

Hiring an agency is an investment that we don’t take lightly. We’re passionate about what we do, and we want to help you succeed. If this sounds like the type of agency you’d like to work with, reach out to us.

Let’s talk about growing your firm.