Playing It Safe Sucks
BY John Miller
July 12, 2023

Does the world need another business book?

I say hell yeah!

So, I wrote one. Playing It Safe Sucks is on sale now—get ‘em while they’re hot!

Playing It Safe Sucks is a bit different from most business books out there. For starters, it’s not too long, so you can rip through it in a night. Secondly, it is intended to be a manifesto for courageous marketing. As a manifesto, it is intended to help you make a mindset shift, but it is not overly prescriptive in how to make it happen within your specific organization. Yes, it offers up a framework built upon the 4 Pillars of Courageous Marketing, but you know your organization, the politics and the roadblocks, and you are best positioned to figure out how to affect the needed change.

(But if you need help, email me.)

I wrote this book because I see marketers and companies retreating from big, bold ideas. Not everybody, but the zaniness of the world around us has left a lot of companies afraid to screw up. I am not encouraging you to screw up, but I am encouraging you to take smart chances. 

Because playing it safe sucks. 

And taking chances is how you, and your business, grow.

Click here to learn more and buy the book.

Let’s talk about growing your company.