Many professional services firms are singing the same tired tune, and guess what? Your prospective clients can’t distinguish between you and the firm down the street.
Posts by Danielle Kelner
Should We Break Up with Whitepapers? Navigating the Marketing Evolution
Only 27 percent of buyers or professional services find whitepapers to be helpful forms of interactive content, which means marketers must adapt to diverse content formats. Embrace change and reimagine the role of whitepapers in a dynamic B2B marketing landscape.
5 Courageous Marketing Myths: Clearing Up Misconceptions about What Courageous Marketing Is and Isn’t
Good marketers are hardwired to please people. Whether that’s your agency client, your customer, your boss, or some other stakeholder in the marketing mix, it’s natural to want to say “yes” as frequently as possible. It makes sense, since saying yes leads to opportunities for success—both personally and for the organization you’re supporting.