Case Study: Creating a Maternity Content Hub to Acquire New Health System Patients

Case Study: Creating a Maternity Content Hub to Acquire New Health System Patients

Women make about 80% of the healthcare decisions for their families, regardless of whose insurance policy dictates care choices. Scribewise helped Geisinger Health System build a maternity life phase content hub to attract new female decision-makers and their families.

Why the focus on maternity content? Planning for a family, trying to conceive and deciding on doctors is a major life moment—one during which families may make a switch that lasts for decades and spans pediatricians, internal medicine, specialists and more. The hub’s goal was to increase brand awareness and drive more women to choose Geisinger for maternity care. 

Audience-Focused Content That Attracts New Patients

Scribewise worked closely with the Geisinger marketing team and web developer to brainstorm topics at each stage of pregnancy for two different personas. We wrote easy-to-read, audience-focused articles for topics like gestational diabetes, genetic testing, how to have a healthy pregnancy, creating a birth plan and mental health during pregnancy. Each article included quotes from providers and calls to action to join free classes, find a provider or schedule an appointment. 

Scribewise also developed social media ads to promote the maternity content hub. Three months after launch, maternity hub articles took the top three spots for page views on the health system’s website. Heightened brand awareness led to more patient appointments and, over the longer term, has helped to create greater affinity for the health system with a new generation of healthcare decision-makers.

Case Study: Reaching Patients Where They Are With Organic Content

Case Study: Reaching Patients Where They Are With Organic Content

Inspira Health is a fast-growing, regional health system that was looking to improve brand awareness and gain new patients. Knowing that up to 80% of internet users regularly search for health information before they set foot in a doctor’s office, the marketing team at Inspira wanted an efficient way to create timely, credible educational content.

Process and Results 

Our goal for Inspira was to create a library of physician-reviewed content to provide community members with helpful, accurate and accessible health information. Scribewise started by assessing the differentiators between this health system and others and getting to know what Inspira’s audience would be looking for. We used this knowledge to write foundational content to support individual service lines with information that patients commonly search for before making an appointment. 

The purpose of this content was to boost SEO over time—growing our reach to rank for common search terms and questions—while also building provider-patient relationships. We positioned Inspira physicians as thought leaders by quoting them in every article. And we had success with articles like “Can You Take Cold Medicine While Pregnant? What to Do for a Cold or the Flu,” which broke 100,000 page views in under a year and still ranks in the top five search results for the question on Google.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided consistent content to help community members understand symptoms, prevention and treatment options for the virus. We found success with writing about specific symptoms, like coughing after recovering from COVID-19, a topic that has gained over 300,000 page views since publication and almost 150,000 page views in 2023 alone. The article is still ranking in the top 10 Google search results for the search term “coughing after COVID.” 

As page views grew, our work together became more sophisticated. We dug deeper into analytics and honed in on a revised strategy to reach the right audience with the right content. We categorized articles based on their purpose and call-to-action: service line support, trending topic awareness or conversions measured by clicks on “make an appointment.” 

Our trending topic articles have proven successful in driving people to the website and often rank high on SERPs. Particularly successful topics have included insights on air quality alerts, prevention tips for tick bites in the summer and the TikTok-inspired article “Can Onion Water Relieve Your Cold Symptoms?”—which still ranks as a top search result for related keywords.

The service line support articles—deep dives into the symptoms of a certain condition or an explanation of a new treatment technology—serve as great middle-of-the-funnel content, moving patients toward creating a relationship with Inspira. And lastly, articles to drive conversion are centered around how healthcare providers can help, and what sets Inspira apart from others in the area. 

2023 Results at a Glance: 

  • 18% increase in page views year over year
  • 21% of articles published in 2023 had over 1,000 page views
  • 17% increase in indexed keywords year over year
  • Over 105,000 conversion events, including intent actions such as button clicks and lead actions such as form completions